Catherine Jones provides 1 to 1 brand consultation with another freelancer

Brand Clarity Hour

Are you stuck or overwhelmed with your business or brand, and need to find clarity on your direction?

I’m here to help solve your business and brand challenges - whether you:

  • Are stuck with your brand messaging

  • Need clarity or focus on your offer

  • Need to pick my brains about your business direction

  • Want to run some offer ideas up the proverbial flagpole

  • Are struggling to express your identity in your copy

  • Need to externalise your internal jumble to make some decisions

  • I really can't believe what we managed to get through in that hour! Catherine managed to do what I have been struggling to do – take my vague ideas and shepherd them into a clear direction; turn that into actionable tasks which I can jump onto straight away; help me identify the two strands I want to focus my business on in the future and suggest how those could profitably coexist.

    Mary Whitehouse, Specialist Copywriter for annual reports

What is a brand clarity hour?

These 1:1 Zoom sessions are about getting the foundations of your brand and business right first.

Imagine me as your brand clarity guide. Together, we’ll untangle the knots of your brand positioning, offers, messaging and ensure it all aligns with your audience.

You’ll gain confidence and insight into your business direction, leaving with clarity, focus and a clear action plan.

Who is this for?

This 1:1 offer is for all you hardworking freelancers, businesses, marketers and professionals who aren’t yet getting the results you need, or are trying to work out how best to move forward. I’m here to guide you, give expert advice, and ask the right questions to really get you thinking.

And that applies whether you're the most seasoned wordsmith, a freelancer friend, a business owner or a marketing professional. Let's get you some clarity and focused drive!


What you’ll receive:

  1. A questionnaire for you to send me a brain dump or links and resources so I can prepare in advance and be ready with the best possible help for you.

  2. An hour’s 1:1 coaching, consultation or collaboration with me over Zoom where we'll find the best ways to help you achieve your goals. 

  3. A focused action plan to enable you to execute the strategies we’ve discussed in an achievable, sustainable way that fits around your circumstances, PLUS access to the session recording.

  • "Thank you Catherine for your consultancy session with me this morning. Super useful to discuss my positioning, and brand strategy and swap some ideas. I left feeling very energised and with 5 things to go and implement. If anyone is after some branding advice or business coach, I highly recommend reaching out to Catherine.”

    Ben Adams, Financial Director, Ben Adams Finance